Friday 4 September 2009

Trying to bring it all together...

I had a suspicion that these final two weeks of study and reflection would be a bit of a struggle, not least because there has been so much material to take on board, and so many open-ended questions. 

At the moment I am drawn to think about water as a commodity that we use and misuse, and as a significant part of the climate change picture. It has been raining heavily here in the cottage in the Midlands, and on today's news there has been a report on significant water problems in north east Scotland. What a contrast with Kenya, where the Guardian newspaper online ( reminds me of just what I have experienced barely 6 weeks back.

I look out of the window of my temporary first floor study and cannot avoid having to think about food and what we consume and how that has its environmental cost. 

A recently-concluded BBC 3-part documentary "The Future of Food" presented by George Alagiah ( is so up to date and relevant.
The more I think about the whole subject of Climate Change, the more I am coming to realise that to quote a passage from one of the books I am reading at present: "Climate Change is not one vast, impersonal challenge, but rather billions of tiny personal ones .. It is a thousand things we do without thinking: everyday behaviour that we assume, quite wrongly,is a normal part of life and therefore sustainable" ( Spencer P49)