Thursday 30 July 2009

Every picture tells a story - literally

The gradual addition of pictures to the more recent blog posts has just become possible as an ADSL line was yesterday installed to Arocha's premises. No more trapezes for the neighbourhood Sykes' monkeys as the new cable was laid (FREE!!! for over half a mile along the drive from the road) underground. I am trying to set up a network within the field study centre before I leave in 4 days time, but sea atmosphere, rogue software installations and out-dated antivirus programmes are all mitigating against me. Added to that, my work zone yesterday evening was invaded by a tiny but very angry red snake, which, in turn, attracted more invaders in the form of the inquisitive guests staying here at present. Needless to say my limited IT skills were sorely tested with all these distractions. Eventually the reptile was installed in a huge bucket to await collection this morning, the bucket placed in my office area ... but this morning, I can't see the beast! I just hope it is hiding under a bit of wood in the bucket. I am sure that UK working condition regulations might be able to give me some advice as to whether I should report for duty today!

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