Monday 6 July 2009

Meals on legs…..

Sorry for this, but it was only when lunch was delayed by a couple of hours that I put two and two together. One of the pastors had arrived for the workshop pulling a goat, which was tied to a tree in the school assembly yard. It had disappeared by the time the children gathered for whole school assembly, and a few choice words from the head teacher about working hard for exams, only to re-appear on a bed of rice…

The workshop for the pastors seemed to go well, they were given a powerpoint presentation of the climate problems that Kenya faces, and I added some images that brought a global perspective before leading a Bible study using the excellent Hope for Planet Earth materials. After lunch, more of a question and answer “where do we go from here” session, where planting trees definitely came out on top, though economic gain was probably a greater motivation than conservation.

Then we struck camp and headed back the two hours to Mwamba – with two more passengers for company – and a chicken that had been presented to Jonathan – ostensibly for egg-laying purposes!

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