Tuesday 25 August 2009

Three weeks left

Just settling down to start 3rd module for Certificate in Christian Rural and Environmental Studies, focussing on the Physical Environment. Eldest son has just finalized his own undergraduate course options, which include Environmental Sciences - shame he is going to take three years to complete, when I want this module done in three weeks - finishing before he even starts. No doubt he will learn loads more.

This is going to be a highly relevant conclusion to my study leave, particularly as the environmental world is gearing up to the UN conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen at the end of this year.

The module will help me think about three specific areas - Pollution of Atmosphere, Shortage of Fresh Water and Soil Erosion, ( this image is of the distant banks of the Sabaki river in Kenya having collapsed because of soil erosion). The opportunity to find space for study at the cottage of some friends in the Peak District is real blessing.

But before then, a return to old haunts for a one-off concert in Cheltenham given by the British Light Music Society. Strange to think that when I was at the stage eldest son now is at, I had just completed 3 very happy and formative seasons with the Gloucestershire Youth Orchestra, where it could be said I was involved in climate change problems with both major and minor consequences: - polluting the atmosphere by blowing an inordinate amount of hot air, recycling water through condensation down a very long brass pipe, and erosion of the surface by tapping my foot to desparately keep time. Things haven't changed much - such is the lot of a French Horn Player!

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