Wednesday 26 August 2009

Update on Care for Creation Kenya

This is an urgent “Call to Prayer” going out to friends of Care of Creation around the world.

The Devastating Drought in East Africa.

Care of Creation Kenya has put a lot of work into developing an innovative program called “Farming God’s Way” and we have seen great success in increasing crop yield for ordinary farmers. Unfortunately, the best farming techniques cannot compensate when the rains fail – and once more, things are at a critical stage in Kenya and the surrounding countries.

This word from Francis at the CCK office in Limuru, Kenya came in just a few days ago: “Keep praying for Kenya - the drought situation is getting out of hand. Relief food is now being distributed almost in every part of the country including Ndeiya where my scheduled meeting with the local government administrator, the chief, could not take place as hundreds of men, women and children queued for food all day long on Monday…”

Francis’ front-line report is confirmed by a scan of headlines just from the last couple of days.
The World Food Programme is appealing for massive aid to compensate for what looks like a 50% shortfall in the maize harvest alone: "Red lights are flashing across the country," Burkard Oberle, WFP's Kenya country director said in a statement. "People are already going hungry, malnutrition is preying on more and more young children, cattle are dying -- we face a huge challenge and are urging the international community to provide us with the resources we need to get the job done." Many parts of the country have now suffered three or even four consecutive failed rainy seasons, WFP says, and conditions are expected to deteriorate further over the coming months. (Reuters)

These are our people – your brothers and sisters. Pray!

Ed Brown, for Care of Creation

1 comment:

  1. I guess this is where all the theoretical thinking about climate change turns into actuality. Although nobody can say any one drought or weather event is definitely due to climate change, there seems little doubt that such events are on the increase. Prayer essential.
